Friday, September 07, 2012

Malaysian regulator defends decision to grant Lynas operating licence - Channel NewsAsia

Malaysian regulator defends decision to grant Lynas operating licence - Channel NewsAsia

ROTFLMAO! Raja Abdul Aziz said: "It is like cigarettes -- you know cigarettes kill, yet you allow the importation and selling of cigarettes because the law does not allow you to ban them. Therefore, we should base our decisions on the laws." The number of people one cigarette kills versus the number of people who are going to suffer when radioactive wastes get into our water system... what do you think? Same ar? But here's the clincher when I had my "AHA" moment... "According to Raja Abdul Aziz, Lynas can now apply for the permit to import lanthanide concentrate, a raw material, after it deposits the first installment of US$10 million as a financial guarantee." I wonder if LYNAS will end up being a corruption case too, like Securency!

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