Thursday, September 06, 2012

A very interesting article on how we use religious excuses to censor and stifle free thinking, or anything that challenges our idea of what is right. Malaysia has internalized Highlander. As Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod would say... There can be only one. Reminds me of the Queen of Diamonds or The Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland... Say something she doesn't like to hear and it's off with your head. Isn't that right, Malaysia? Of course I'm talking to you Malaysia. Better than Eastwood talking to an empty chair. After all, it's you Malaysia who put the people in place who are doing this today. So if you think this is a mess, it is your mess Malaysia. You clean it up if you don't like it.

A different Merdeka Eve

An article by Aliran that gives a different from the Rah Rah version of what went down over Merdeka day recently.

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